We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange.
As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.

Carson McCullers


Do you remember….your first summer vacation? Your first jump in the sea? Your first kiss? Do you…remember the feeling of carelessness? Pride? The tingles of excitement that marked them?

Memories lead us to an untouchable and protected world. Maybe at first sight these memories seem as they’ve faded, but it takes only a brief moment of reminiscing to encourage them to shine bright with all their colors.

A scent, a sound, a taste or a sight before our eyes that in an instant takes us back to the days when things were different, to the era when there were no smartphones and everything was not documented, but remained indelibly in our memory.

This precise moment is sufficient to make us remember, revive the emotion and decide to relive it through a bit different and mature point of view.

Rijeka and its surroundings captured by the shots of a simple passerby, accompanied by the touching song "Remember me", served as an ode to all those warm moments that we carved in our memory, no matter how “big” they were. Details from childhood, first travels, first summer vacations…

The locations from Rijeka and its surrounding have served many times as a perfect background for the most amazing memories, connecting the beauty of the Adriatic sea with the greenery of the green mountain forests, rich history and tradition. It doesn’t make a difference if you’ll arrive at this area wanting to relive old memories or you would want to encourage the creation of new ones by exploring it, the itineraries of Rijeka and surroundings are the perfect scenario for unforgettable experiences.

Record them, capture them in a frame or shot that will remain in your memory forever and mark your presence in our mosaic of memories.

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Rijeka, the city of culture, rich history and picturesque locations witnessing it. The city of carnival, of Saint Vitus, the port of diversity….

A city that changes and transforms and every year gives you a new reason to visit.

Do you remember the first time you visited the city that impressed you with its hidden streets and its stories? When you took a walk on the main promenade, and your footsteps took you to a loud city market where the life of the city so lively resonates? Do you remember when you embarked for the first time on a ship and sailed into the new and unknown?

Every season in Rijeka provides a new kind of itinerary and the perspective of the city, connected by a rich gastronomic offer led by the Michelin star. The great strength of Rijeka lies also in diverse locations that gravitate to it, in its surroundings that complement it and together with it create dynamic stories of Kvarner. Explore them!

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Bakar, an ancient port and one of the oldest towns of the Adriatic. In 18th century this seaside town was one of the biggest Croatian towns, and the Francopan castle even today witnesses its historical greatness.

Do you remember when you took a walk through a seaside town and observed a legacy of its residents hidden behind every stone you touched? Do you remember the local flavors filled with tradition and the seamless effort of grandmas? The aroma of your first ever sparkling wine and the occasion that made you taste it?

Bakar awaits you with its charming streets, magical sunsets and Bakar dry stone walls, Bakar’s cake and Bakar’s Baškot and many other interesting attractions that will help you create your unforgettable moments.

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Čavle, a place where every stone tells its story, and every panorama reveals a wonderful scenery. Grobnik will enchant you with its promenades, Francopan castle but will also raise your adrenaline level with its race track and airport.

Do you remember your first flight in an airplane? Your first bike ride and the feeling of success you had after? Your first ride and the feeling of freedom it gave you?

Čavle offers a perfect opportunity for a sporty and adrenaline-pumping escape, but is also able to provide places to take a peaceful walk and breathe in the amazing nature, hear the brave historical tales and make a full circle with local flavors of traditional cuisine .

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The ideal mist of cold mountain air from Grobnik Alps and the seaside breeze coming from the south makes Jelenje a remarkable place for a spring break, but also for recreation and spirituality in nature.

Do you remember your first encounter with horses? Your first horse riding, the feeling of freedom underneath your feet and the feeling of awe for the immensity ahead of you? Do you remember your first encounters with old crafts and do you feel you need to pay your tribute even today?

Jelenje will encourage you to enjoy the enchanting nature, horse riding, quads, but also to return to some distant days and traditions that should be paid special tribute.

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Kastav is situated above the sea, on a 365 m high hill – at a first glance, a small town with coastal scenery, gathering eclectic stories behind its polished stone roads. Kastav hides an unlimited world of art and culture behind its small "borders".

Do you remember the first play you saw or the first festival you attended? Do you remember the taste of the first wine you tasted and the memories that preceded it?

Kastav is the perfect location for unforgettable moments - from music and stage productions to folk festivals, from recreation in nature to visiting museums and sights - always accompanied by a glass of Belica wine and top-quality bites of local cuisine.

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Klana is a place shaped by its geographical position – it connects Gorski kotar, Rijeka’s seaside and the nearby Slovenija. It is a true oasis of peaceful greenery, untouched nature and wide sceneries. Surrender to Klana, let it guide you into the unexpected, through the beaten mountain roads and bike paths.

Do you remember your first exploration of the forest treasures? First hiking trips and peaks with breath-taking views? Do you remember delicious meals prepared with forest mushrooms or hunting trophies?

Sights of graceful wildlife are an experience you won't miss no matter what time of year you choose to explore these distinctive hillsides. Create memories through which you will connect with nature, but also dive into the rich ethnographic content that has captured the spirit of the times and the people who had lived here since Antiquity.

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Kostrena, located in the immediate vicinity of the city of Rijeka, framed by the bay of Martinšćica and the Bay of Bakar, is one of the favorite places for locals and foreigners. The element of the sea defines the life of the people of Kostrena, but their culture is accompanied by numerous events that provide a perfect insight into the traditions and customs of this coastal municipality.

Do you remember your first summer vacation, the excitement and joy while packing and getting ready to leave? Do you remember your first encounter with the Adriatic Sea? Diving for the first time and discovering the enchanting depths of the sea?

The highlights of Kostrena are its long sea walk and nearby beaches, but Kostrena offers much more than sun and sea. In addition to sports and sea activities, explore its archaeological heritage, caves and pits, and don't forget to try the delicious Kostrena cake while reminiscing the best stories and memories from your vacation.

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With the patronage of Saint Nicolas, Kraljevica has become a peaceful harbor for those looking and searching beyond beaches. Two medieval castles with a church are the venue for cultural and entertainment events in the summer and together with the surrounding area, they are a well-known tourist destination for those who want to rest or regenerate.

Do you recall your first romantic encounters, great love stories embodied by perfect sunsets? Do you often reminisce about your sailing memories and adventures? Do you remember your first fishing trip and the pride you brought home with your catch?

A walk through this seaside town will not only bring back the memories of the sea, but will also take you back to the Medieval ages and the era of the Zrinski and Frankopan dynasties like a time machine. In Kraljevica, try your luck at a traditional Adriatic tuna hunting or simply indulge in enchanting sunsets.

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Viškovo - a place where culture resonates vividly, is fluidly instilled in the population relying upon a legacy whose story you will want to participate in. This region, at 400m above sea level, is the birthplace of the musician Ivan Matetić Ronjgov, as well as the Halubaj bell ringers, whose echo of bells combines ancient traditions with the modern ones.

Do you remember the warm moments with your grandmother and all the life wisdom that her hands shaped? Do you recall your first memories with your grandfather and the lessons and customs he instilled in you?

Viškovo hides a real wealth of cultural assets from UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage, while fans of active vacations can simultaneously enjoy the forest bike paths and walkways that reveal the old Illyrian paths. It is an inevitable destination for all those who are looking for living culture, old traditions and memories.
